23rd July 2022

Dear Parishioners,

Another week ahead, and another week gone ! Please find attached the Readings for Holy Mass this weekend together with the Newsletter for the coming week. 

With most schools now being on a summer break I hope that families will be able to spend more time with each other, relaxation will be enjoyed, and above all, through often the simplest of things, a rich seam of wonderful memories maybe cultured. 

Continue to look after yourselves and those closest to you, not least in the heat of the summer, but also in light of increased number of Covid-19 cases.

With prayerful remembrance, kindest thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas

Funeral Arrangements for Fr. Bernard Funnell

Dear Parishioners,

As promised, a quick e-mail to let those who knew him, know what arrangements have been made for Fr. Bernard Funnell’s Funeral. Please keep him, and those who mourn him, in your prayers. 

With all very best wishes,

Fr. Nicholas

The details are as follows:-

Funeral Arrangements for Fr Bernard Funnell. 

  Fr Bernard’s body will be received into St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Pontefract, WF7 1NL on Tuesday 2nd August at 7pm and followed by Mass. 

  Requiem Mass for Fr Bernard will take place at St Joseph’s on Wednesday 3rd August at 11.30am followed by interment at Pontefract Cemetery. 

  See https://www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/fr-bernard-funnell-rip/ for the obituary on the Diocesan website

16th July 2022

Dear Parishioners,

Along with my good wishes comes the weekly Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. 

With the prediction of very high temperatures over the coming days there is a very timely scenario offered to us all in the Gospel of the weekend. The story is familiar; the welcome given by Martha into her home of the family’s friend, Jesus, and the complaint that she makes about her sister, Mary. Whilst for many of us the frantic and busy nature of Martha’s preparations for her guest are a part of our daily lives, the Lord reminds her that it is Mary who has chosen the better part, by taking life at an easier pace, relaxing and both listening to and welcoming His words. Perhaps in the expected heat we could be all a little more like Mary … attending to the necessary jobs of Martha with a more relaxed and measured approach. Do please, be sensible in the heat, keep hydrated and have a care for yourselves and those you know. 

With an assurance of remembrance in prayer, and kindest thought.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas   

P.S. As of yet, no arrangements for the Funeral of Fr. Bernard Funnell have been announced. When I am aware of them, I shall send an e-mail, and they will, naturally, appear on the Newsletter too. 

9th July 2022

Dear Parishioners,

As ever it is good to be able to greet you and send this weekend’s Readings for Holy Mass together with the Newsletter.

Long-standing Parishioners in Cleckheaton will be saddened to learn that Fr. Bernard Funnell, Parish Priest from 1988 to 1999, died peacefully yesterday (Friday) morning at Pinderfields Hospital. May he rest in peace and rise in glory ! Fr. Bernard was a man rich in faith and character, serving the Lord as a Priest of the Diocese of Leeds for almost sixty years, who always had a tale to tell and delighted in the contact that his former parishioners maintained with him, especially as his physical health began to fail earlier this year. To his fellow clergy, myself included (particularly in the field of research), he has been a great source of support and wise counsel. Please remember him in prayer together with his family and friends in Pontefract who will mourn him. 

Be assured of prayerful remembrance, kind thought and affection.

As always, Fr. Nicholas


2nd July 2022

Dear Parishioners,

With the arrival of another weekend, it is good to be able to greet you and send the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass. Tomorrow (Sunday) Holy Spirit is hosting a Summer Concert by “Chordiality” for which tickets remain available, so you can just turn up and pay on the door ! With a wide range of items on the programme I would like to think that there is something for all tastes. Please do think about coming along, as we continue to ‘open up’ into a new normality.

Be assured on continued prayerful remembrance, kindest thought and affection.

As ever,

Fr. Nicholas