Dear Parishioners,
As ever it is good to be able to greet you and send this weekend’s Readings for Holy Mass together with the Newsletter.
Long-standing Parishioners in Cleckheaton will be saddened to learn that Fr. Bernard Funnell, Parish Priest from 1988 to 1999, died peacefully yesterday (Friday) morning at Pinderfields Hospital. May he rest in peace and rise in glory ! Fr. Bernard was a man rich in faith and character, serving the Lord as a Priest of the Diocese of Leeds for almost sixty years, who always had a tale to tell and delighted in the contact that his former parishioners maintained with him, especially as his physical health began to fail earlier this year. To his fellow clergy, myself included (particularly in the field of research), he has been a great source of support and wise counsel. Please remember him in prayer together with his family and friends in Pontefract who will mourn him.
Be assured of prayerful remembrance, kind thought and affection.
As always, Fr. Nicholas