Dear Parishioners,
It is good to be able to send out once again the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass this Coronation weekend.
Hopefully many will have been able to view the events taking place in London today and in the midst of an occasion – that is often said only we in this country can do ! – notice what is at the heart of all the ceremonial pageant – the anointing with Holy Oil of an individual called to serve. It is sacramental, rooted and planted in biblical happenings, but also something that links each and every one who is Baptised. In our Baptism we too were anointed with sacred oils, and called upon to assume lives that bear witness to a priestly, prophetic and kingly ministry to those who share our life-journey.
Away from opinions and views, such moments as today remind us of a fundamental, that no matter who we are we have a part to play in the lives of others. May our contribution to others be one of enrichment and enhancement, witnessing to that wonderful gift offered to us on the day of our Baptism; the ability to show our love of God in the compassionate responses we offer our neighbour.
May the Bank Holiday bring families together, and provide relaxation and refreshment.
With an assurance of daily prayerful remembrance, kindest thought, and affection.
As ever, Fr. Nicholas