26th May 2023

Dear Parishioners,

We can all wish one another a ‘Happy Birthday’ this weekend as we celebrate the beginning of the Church at Pentecost. It is a beautiful and energetic Feast, reminding us that each is gifted by the Holy Spirit and called upon to share their talents generously and indulgently with those who occupy the pathway of life with them, whether they live under the same roof or are just part of a fleeting encounter.

Enjoy the bank Holiday; and I hope that it will bring families and friends together in a harmony that contains something of that peace of which Christ says the world cannot give. 

With an assurance of continued prayerful remembrance, kindest thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas

Come, Holy Spirit, come.
Come, Lord, and take over my life
you are true love, love divine.

Flowing and glowing,
brightness in my darkness,
power in my weakness,
peace in my troubled life.

What beauty and purity,
sweet fragrance and harmony
what splendour and wonder,
such joy and glory, Lord.

You are so brilliant and illuminating
so caring and comforting,
so gentle and renewing
so patient and liberating,
so motherly and wise.

You are true love, divine Lord,
come and take possession of my soul.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.                                     



19th May 2023

Dear Parishioners,

It is good to be able to send out to you the Newsletter for the coming week together with the Reading for Holy Mass this weekend. 

On Sunday twenty-three of our Year 4 pupils in Holy Spirit School will celebrate their First Holy Communion, and next month children in non-Catholic education, currently being prepared by Parish Catechists at St. Paul’s, will also celebrate this momentous day on their spiritual journey. For many the special day of these children will evoke memories of their own First Holy Communion, and those of family members, whether long ago, in what often seems to be a different world (and at times Church !), or more recently. Either way what is given and received remains unchanging and the same. It is the very Body and Blood of Jesus. And our “Amen” on its reception, or for those who receive a Blessing, is the great statement of our continuing fidelity to this statement of Faith and belief. It is Jesus with us “always, yes, even to the end of time.” 

Please remember our young people in your prayers and thoughts this weekend, together with their families, especially their parents who are their “first teachers in the ways of Faith.” May they remain faithful to what they receive, imitating the fidelity of the Lord who comes to them in this great Sacrament.

Be assured of a continued daily remembrance in prayer, kindest thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas

6th May 2023

Dear Parishioners,

It is good to be able to send out once again the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass this Coronation weekend. 

Hopefully many will have been able to view the events taking place in London today and in the midst of an occasion – that is often said only we in this country can do ! – notice what is at the heart of all the ceremonial pageant – the anointing with Holy Oil of an individual called to serve. It is sacramental, rooted and planted in biblical happenings, but also something that links each and every one who is Baptised. In our Baptism we too were anointed with sacred oils, and called upon to assume lives that bear witness to a priestly, prophetic and kingly ministry to those who share our life-journey. 

Away from opinions and views, such moments as today remind us of a fundamental, that no matter who we are we have a part to play in the lives of others. May our contribution to others be one of enrichment and enhancement, witnessing to that wonderful gift offered to us on the day of our Baptism; the ability to show our love of God in the compassionate responses we offer our neighbour.  

May the Bank Holiday bring families together, and provide relaxation and refreshment.

With an assurance of daily prayerful remembrance, kindest thought, and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas

29th April 2023

Dear Parishioners,

It is good to be able to send out to you the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. The Church invites us, across this particular weekend, to pray for vocations, especially to the Priesthood and Religious Life, but I cannot help but think that vocation is something held in common, and perhaps there is a need for us to rediscover, renew, re-appreciate and value the vocational calling that is our own, whatever our status on life’s journey.

Last weekend, in relation to the Gospel story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus I came across a reflection which I thought may be appreciated by some. It is at the end of this e-mail.

May the Bank Holiday weekend be kind to us all. With an assurance of daily prayerful remembrance, kindest thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas


All through life’s day,
you walk with us Lord.
But often we don’t recognise you,
for we are blinded by work and worry,
doubt, confusion and fear,
and so you remain a stranger to us.  

 Before the day’s end we will ask many questions,
experience many sorrows and disappointments,
and then, suddenly,
whether we are young, middle-aged or old,
we will find that night is falling. 

 In that moment we pray,
that like the disciples on the road to Emmaus,
our eyes will be opened and that we will recognise you. 

And you will not vanish from our sight,
but stay with us,
to guide us to the Father’s house.