Dear Parishioners,
As a people of Faith I suspect that we do not always appreciate the gift that we have until someone makes a comment such as “I wish I had your Faith !” We are indeed fortunate to have Faith. It doesn’t take the knocks and bumps, traumas and tragedies out of life’s journey, nor does it mean that we are untouched by times of questioning and straight-talking with Almighty God. However it does give us a different way of viewing the world, and of living. Journeying with a confident Faith, we have a deep down belief that we face nothing alone, and ours are not the only hands called upon to deal with the unfolding scenarios of life. Our companion is a God who loves us beyond any human imaginings, the hands of whom are large enough to lift and carry all our worries … if we let Him.
Many stand in need of our prayerful remembrance at this time not least the sick but also those who have been bereaved and those recently handed back to God for their life in eternity. I’m sure that they will all be supported by our prayers.
With an assurance of prayerful remembrance, kindest thought and affection.
As ever, Fr. Nicholas