Dear Parishioners,
Once more it is good to greet you and enclose the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. I remain grateful, as I know many of you do, to those who work hard behind the scenes to ensure that so many often unnoticed jobs get done. It was good today to see church cleaners as well as brass-polishers working at Holy Spirit, and to enter St. Paul’s recently to the scent of polish and detergent left by the cleaners the previous day ! Whilst it may not be in vogue to say “Thank you”: to those who simply get on and do, aiding the smooth running of our two churches, I say a sincere thank you, acknowledging not only the work done or ministry carried out, but for being the ‘worker bees’ crafting a stabilising normality that we’ve so missed in recent times.
Be assured of prayerful remembrance, kindest thought, and affection.
As ever, Fr. Nicholas