Dear Parishioners,
Please find enclosed the Readings for Holy Mass this weekend together with the Newsletter. From NEXT weekend there will be no need to book a seat (either on-line or by telephone) for Mass, neither will our churches have any social distancing markers in them, as we are continuing a return to a new normality. Instead, we will be reliant upon common sense and respect for our fellow parishioners. The Newsletter continues to offer the guidance that has been given at national level and remains as the advice that we are following within our worshipping communities.
Hopefully a growing personal confidence will encourage more people to attend Mass, perhaps beginning with a weekday Mass. As a Eucharistic community It is important that we to think about our spiritual sustenance and rediscover the joyful hope and optimism which is a part of who we are as God’s people.
I look forward to welcoming increasing numbers of familiar faces over the coming weeks. Until then I continue to assure you of a remembrance in prayer and affection.
As ever, Fr. Nicholas