Dear Parishioners,
Once more it is good to greet you and send you this weekend’s Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass. Acknowledging the fact that our church doors have been open since July 2020 there are many faces that have not yet returned to our collective Worship. I am sure that many of these are known to those of you who have returned to Mass, and I wonder if when printing-off a Newsletter for yourself, you would be kind enough to do so for a friend or neighbour (not yet returned) so that they are aware of what we are doing as a Parish community. Certainly, such gestures were widely appreciated during the long weeks of the severe Lockdown which began in March 2020. Sometimes it can be taken for granted that the majority of people have access to electronic means of communication, which for many of a certain age is not the case, and although family members may have such access it can slip their minds that church-going relatives may still like to know what is taking place in our parishes despite not yet feeling able to be there in person.
Thank you for this outreach within your neighbourhood and friendship circles.
Be assured of continued remembrance in prayer, thought and affection.
As always, Fr. Nicholas