31 December 2022

Dear Parishioners,

As we about to leave one year behind and cross the threshold into another many thoughts pass through our minds about the certainty and relative security of the known, despite all its limitations, and the lack of knowledge of the new, and the experiences and challenges that it each new dawn will bring. 

In wishing you all the joys and blessings of the continuing Christmas Season, not least the maternal presence of Our Blessed Lady, the great feast of whom we celebrate this weekend, I assure you of continued remembrance in prayer, kindest thought and affection. I offer a reflection too, conscious that oftentimes out of the unknown can come so much good and enrichment. May we all be open to the generosity of God to be found in surprise and the new.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas

A New Year Prayer 

We Pray… 
For healing … prepare us for surprises.
For strength … prepare us for surprises.
For vision … prepare us for surprises.
For transformation … prepare us for surprises.
For messengers and messages … prepare us for surprises.
For community … prepare us for surprises.
For acceptance – of ourselves and others … prepare us for surprises.
For making room at our table … prepare us for surprises.
For Truth-seeking … prepare us for surprises.
For support … prepare us for surprises.
For Common Ground … prepare us for surprises.  

Walk beside us, O Holy One,
as we question and welcome,
as we challenge and invite,
as we discover and understand,
as we see, touch, taste, smell, and listen for the Newness awaiting us in 2023. 

May we, Your Holy People, walk forward together side by side. 



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