Dear Parishioners,
After a time of so many words, images, comments, emotions, reflections, crowds, journeys, queues, splendour, dignity, and much more besides … a simple word of prayer, prayed by the Church night after night, as the day draws to its close. Attributed to one of deep faith, and of old age, as they held the dawn of a new way of life made manifest in the form of the infant Christ-child presented in the Temple.
“At last, All-powerful Master,
you give leave to your servant
to go in peace, according to your promise.
For my eyes have seen your salvation
which you have prepared for all nations
the light to enlighten the Gentiles
and give glory to Israel, your people.” (Luke 2:29 – 32)
With prayerful remembrance, kindest regard and affection.
As ever, Fr. Nicholas