24 September 2022

Dear Parishioners,

It is good to be able to send you the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. I often think how fortunate we are to have the gift of a Faith which unites us in all the circumstances of life’s journey, whether we are conscious of it or not. That knowledge often sustains those who feel alone and vulnerable; with a number of parishioners who are unwell at this time, I do ask you to hold one another in prayer. It is a great gift that we can offer to others, whether we can name them or not.

With an assurance of prayerful remembrance, kindest thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas  

17th September 2022

Dear Parishioners,

After a time of so many words, images, comments, emotions, reflections, crowds, journeys, queues, splendour, dignity, and much more besides … a simple word of prayer, prayed by the Church night after night, as the day draws to its close. Attributed to one of deep faith, and of old age, as they held the dawn of a new way of life made manifest in the form of the infant Christ-child presented in the Temple. 

“At last, All-powerful Master, 
you give leave to your servant 
to go in peace, according to your promise.

For my eyes have seen your salvation
which you have prepared for all nations
the light to enlighten the Gentiles
and give glory to Israel, your people.” (Luke 2:29 – 32) 

With prayerful remembrance, kindest regard and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas 

10 September 2022 – Death of HM Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II has died aged 96 | News | Sky Sports

Dear Parishioners,

This weekend I feel as though we are a family mourning the loss of one of our own following the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II which broke on Thursday evening. Like all families at such times, it is important to pause, reflect and be thankful. The media are providing us with the family albums that are looked through by many families in the early days of loss highlighting the significant and momentous, as well as the more trivial and jovial. 

As a people of faith we are asked to hold those who grieve and mourn – those who referred to our late Monarch in the familiar terms of Mother, Grandmother, Mother-in-law, relative and friend – in prayer, as well as praying that the soul of a good and faithful (as well as faith-filled) servant to be granted a welcome into God’s Kingdom, life’s work over, and a vocational calling well fulfilled. Let us not forget to hold in prayer our new King – in waiting for so long – that he will be blessed with all the skills necessary to live out, what for him, will be a life-long commitment of service to others. 

Late yesterday evening the Bishop announced that a Solemn Requiem Mass for the late Queen will be celebrated at St. Anne’s Cathedral, Leeds, this coming Monday 12th September at 10.30 a.m. to which the Faithful are invited. The Mass will also be livestreamed via the Cathedral website www.leedscathedrallive.org.uk   

With prayerful remembrance, kind thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas


3rd September 2022

Dear Parishioners,

It is good to be able to send you the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass once again this weekend. Hopefully both find you well and in good spirits. For those of you who come along to our weekday Masses please be aware of some changes to the regular times, and may I also highlight the opening of our churches for the national Heritage Open Day event. As we are the only Catholic churches in Kirklees taking part in this, I do hope that these days will be supported by our own parish communities and also – through word of mouth – those in our friendship circles too. Both churches have their own stories to tell!

In light of the unfolding natural disaster in Pakistan, and the horrendous conditions being faced by so many of the population there I have included details on the Newsletter of both CAFOD’s webpage address and that of the DEC’s. As helpless as we may feel in the face of such events, we are all able to pray, and I have copied the CAFOD prayer for Pakistan at the end of this note.

Be assured of a daily remembrance in prayer, kindest thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas


CAFOD’s Prayer for the Suffering of Pakistan.

O Lord,
in the goodness of your constant love,
be with the people of Pakistan
as they face devastating floods.

At this time of great loss –
loss of lives, homes and crops –
may we be filled with your compassion
and moved to reach out in love. 

As we stand alongside our sisters and brothers, we pray that
they may find consolation in their sorrow,
strength as they seek shelter and safety
and courage to carry on. 

Forgive us, O Lord,
for our part in the climate crisis,
and inspire us all to play our part
in protecting the earth, our common home.

So that together we may build a world
that reflects your glory,
where hope drives out despair
and all things are made new. 

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen