25th March 2023

Dear Parishioners,

It is once more good to be able able to send you the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. Our Liturgy on this fifth Sunday of Lent introduces us to a family in Bethany – Martha, Mary and Lazarus. It is a sad scene, and carefully woven into the teaching Gospel of St. John is the strong character of Martha. Full of spirit she confronts Jesus, and He responds by offering her one of the seven revealing “I am” statements to be found in St. John’s account of the Good News. It is quite an amazing encounter, reflecting the depth of relationship that existed between Jesus and Martha, and how by the end of the text that which seemed so damaged and broken at the outset has been reconciled, healed, restored and enlarged. It is a reminder that relationships can be strengthened and enriched through uncomfortable and difficult encounters. 

With an assurance of daily prayerful remembrance of you and those you hold dear, kindest thoughst and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas 


O blessed St. Martha, your faith led Jesus to proclaim, “I am the resurrection and the life”; and faith let you see beyond his humanity when you cried out, “Lord I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” With firm hope you said, I know that God will give you whatever you ask of him, and Jesus called your brother Lazarus back from the dead. With pure love for Jesus you welcomed him into your home. Friend and servant of our Saviour, I too am “troubled about many things.” (Pause for silent prayer.) Pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love, and that Jesus, who sat at your table, will hear me and grant me a place at the banquet of eternal life. Amen.

18th March 2023

Dear Parishioners,

Once again it is good to be able to greet you with the delivery of the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. It is certainly a time to greet and think about others as yesterday (Friday) we celebrated the Feast of St. Patrick, tomorrow is Mothering Sunday and on Monday we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph, delayed by a day due to March 19th falling on a Sunday, which takes precedence in our liturgical life. In honour of the significant role that St. Joseph continues to have if the life the Church I offer a short prayer that some may find helpful.

To all of our Mothers I wish a very happy and blessed Mothering Sunday ! We remember to those Mums that some have been called upon to hand back to Almighty God, grateful for the maternal gifts that enhanced and enriched the lives they touched.

With an assurance of daily prayerful remembrance, kindest thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas 

     Prayer to St. Joseph.

St. Joseph, patron saint of the unexpected,
how freely you stepped into the unknown
with your unwavering yes.

St. Joseph, dreamer of dreams,
how attuned your heart was, waking or sleeping, 
to the promptings of angels.

St. Joseph, nurturing father,
how openly you accepted your unconventional family,
lighting the way for us, too, to embrace all.

St. Joseph, there is still so much we don’t know about you,
but maybe that is your gift to us,
that we may see in the father of Jesus a mystery
that sanctifies the hidden and untold in our own lives.
May we, too, live our days in the holy shadow of your son.

Amen.  (Cameron Bellm)

11th March 2023

Dear Parishioners, 

It is good once more to be able to greet you and send the weekly Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass. As we enter the third weekend of Lent, amid snow and an icy blast, we could be tempted to console ourselves with creature comforts. At the school Mass on Thursday we were gifted with some words from our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in regard to, perhaps, the hardest Lenten ‘ask’, that of fasting. They seem appropriate to include here.   

Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.
Fast from worries and trust in God.
Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity.
Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy.
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others.
Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
Fast from words and be silent so you can listen. (Pope Francis)

Be assured of daily prayerful remembrance for yourselves and those you hold in the home of your heart, together with kindest thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas

4th March 2023

Dear Parishioners,

Once more I am pleased to be able to greet you, and send the weekly Newsletter and the Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. 

The Second Sunday of Lent invites us to share the mountain top experience of the Transfiguration. Rather like St. Peter and his companions I’m sure that we would all like to reside on the mountain top but the landscape of life is often more about the journey up the mountainside that the view from its summit. As a journeying people in this Lenten Season may we appreciate the companionship of our fellow travellers and be prepared to listen to their story along the way, as well as have the trust to share our own. 

With an assurance of prayerful remembrance, kind thought, and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas