29th October 2022

Dear Parishioners,

It is good to be able to send you the weekly Newsletter together with the Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. 

Please do be aware of some changes to Mass times this week necessitated by the Holy Day of Obligation and the subsequent Commemoration of the Faithful Departed on Wednesday.  May the vast array of Saints continue to intercede for us, and may those still journeying back to Almighty God – known or unknown to us – be aided by our prayerful remembrance of them.

May the week unfold kindly and gently before us all.

With prayerful remembrance, kindest thoughts and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas 

22nd October 2022

Dear Parishioners,

It is, once more, good to be able to send you the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. Our Gospel is once more a story with a meaning, better known as a parable. It focuses on two individuals at prayer, and reveals their conversations with Almighty God. It can cause a judgement to be made in the subconscious of the reader / hearer, but perhaps its main purpose is a call to seek a way of bettering our own life journey. 

Currently our country stands in great need of prayer, not least our politicians. In the midst of the confusion and turmoil, so obvious at the moment, there is a need to recognise that we are all citizens of this land and have a part to play in its life, however insignificant we may feel that contribution is at times.

United in prayer, kindest thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas


15th October 2022

Dear Parishioners,

At the end of another hastily passing week, it is good to be able to send out our weekly Newsletter and the Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. 

The character of the persistent widow in the Gospel text reminds us all of the virtue of the daily conversations we have with Almighty God, better known as prayer. Personally, I am not really sure what has the most value: what is spoken and shared or the ability we have to both speak and listen. Perhaps it is answered in the final statement of the Gospel, when Jesus asks when He returns will He find any faith. Our gift of conversation with God clearly is the hope that indeed He will discover faith still present!   

May we all be united by prayer, bringing each other into the presence and heart of God through our remembrances and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas

8th October 2022

Dear Parishioners,

It is good to be able to send the Newsletter and Readings for Holy Mass to you. The Gospel reading this weekend is a reminder that Thanksgiving is a gift from Almighty God to ourselves, and one that we can – if we think to do so – return to Them, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Mass is the highest act of thanksgiving we can offer. As it is celebrated this weekend, may all of us return thanks to God for so much of what we take for granted, whether that is the people who populate our lives, our surroundings, work or times of relaxation. As a people who often ask so much in prayer, we may surprise ourselves and the God Lord by what we have to be appreciative of and can say ‘Thank you’ for!

With prayerful remembrance, kindest thought and affection.

As ever, Fr. Nicholas