Dear Parishioners,
Once more it is good to be able to send out the Newsletter to you, together with the Readings for Holy Mass this weekend. It is good to hear from numerous parishioners how much this is appreciated, and I thank Nicola and Roger for making these resources available on our websites too enabling them to reach a far wider faith-family.
Very aware of our interdependence upon one another, I ask that we are – like the early Christian community of whom we hear so much in Eastertide thanks to St. Luke’s wonderful Acts of the Apostles – united in prayer. So many parishioners are in need of an ‘extra’ remembrance at this time, so let us be strong and faithful in our spiritual communion with each other.
Wishing you a pleasant and relaxed Bank Holiday weekend.
Assuring you of prayer remembrance, kindness of thought, and affection.
As ever, Fr. Nicholas